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Arthaniti Presents
Digital Economy and the Industrial Revolution 4.0

Kabir Singh (JGLS)
AI Automation: Boon or Doom?
It will not be an overstatement to refer to Artificial Intelligence as the most disruptive technology of our generation. One of the...

Vaibhavi Nagar (JSIA)
Two Sides of a Coin
On June 9, the small Latin American nation of El Salvador declared that it would adopt Bitcoin as a legal tender within the country...

Garimaa Jalan (JGLS)
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Economic Growth
While addressing a crowd at the Japan AI Experience in 2017, DataRobot CEO Jeremy Achin began his speech by offering the following...

Achyuth A. Nair (JSGP)
Digital Societies – The new way forward?
Digital economy refers to a broad range of economic activities that use digitized information and knowledge as key factors of production....

Sanjana Jain (JSBF)
Agritech - The Future of Agriculture
Agricultural development is one of most potent weapons to fight poverty and reduce gaps in income and wealth since India is primarily an...

Jayaditya Dahiya (JGBS)
The Indian Government and Social Media Platforms: A Digital Fallout
This year, the news that certain social media channels like Twitter and WhatsApp were about to be banned in India, spread like nothing...

Siddharth Batra (JSIA)
Achieving Responsible Capitalism: Industry 4.0 for Net Zero Emissions
Responsible Capitalism Capitalism, as an ideology, is considered to be the most resilient one. It is due to the fact that capitalism...

Harnirmal Singh (JGLS)
Effects of Automation in Developing Countries
Disruptive technology comes with benefits and risks. However, it is a necessary step towards further global development, therefore...

Sayanti Malkhandy (JGLS)
The Evolution of Digital Economy & Where to next?
Information and communication technology has witnessed rapid and inclusive transformation in recent times with innovations at their best....

Advait Kandiyoor & Trisha Jawahar
Contextualizing Platform Economies in India
Ever advancing technology has continually disrupted economies and businesses. However, over time this increased connectivity, as well as...

Aakrith Harikumar & Ruchi Yemul
Digitisation: The future of Economic Diplomacy in India
We are currently living in the age of an industrial revolution where the world economy is undergoing rampant technological and digital...

Akshay Purandare and Nalin Karthik
Digitisation of the Indian Banking Sector
On 1st July 2015, the Modi Government launched the Digital India campaign, aimed at providing government services to citizens...

Surampudi Phani Datta & Sukeerthi Vijayaraghavan
Labour, Inequalities and Policies for the Future
The effect of Automation and Artificial intelligence on the future of employment has always been a subject of substantial interest. As we...
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