Submission Guidelines
Ensure the following:
Grammar: British English only
Font: Times New Roman
Font Size: 16 for Heading, 14 for subheadings, 13 for rest.
Bold, italics, underline when and where important.
Spacing: 1.15
Alignment for Headings: Centre
Alignment for Subheadings: Left align
Alignment for text: justified only
Quotes in italics with double quotation marks
For directly quoting phrases/sentences of 5 or more lines, enter in a new paragraph, no quotation marks, in italics
Citations (if and when needed) should be in APA 7.
More on Grammar:
Spellings should be uniform throughout the paper (‘labour’ not ‘labor’, ‘centre’ not ‘center’; universal ‘s’ in ‘-ise’ and ‘-isation’ words).
It is recommended to make use of freeware such as Grammarly to run grammar checks. Grammarly also supports add-ons to Microsoft Office.
Always use the full form and indicate the abbreviation in brackets before subsequent uses of the abbreviation. For example, write “Jindal Global University (JGU)” in the first use, and with “the JGU” in subsequent mentions.
Ensure that the piece of content has a coherent flow and is reasonably understandable/accessible.
Fact check when and where you feel necessary.
Check for logical fallacies, unreasonable arguments and conclusions.
If there are figures like graphs or maps in the content piece, do label is as ‘Figure 1’, ‘Figure 2’, etc.
On subheadings: If the piece of content lacks subheadings, you have to give subheadings or ask the author to put them in. This applies to all pieces of content, regardless of where they are to be published.
Whenever you feel that dividing sentences into bullet points or into more than one paragraph might be helpful, feel free to do so.
Submission Guideline:
For Title: Use this link to receive and assess the score for the Title you coined, if the score received is above 70 then the title is good, but if it is below 70 use the recommendation of the platform linked to improve the title.
For Plagiarism: We take plagiarism very seriously and plagiarism is not tolerated by Arthaniti’s Editorial Department, for plagiarism check paste your entire blog/article on this Webpage and run a plagiarism check, the content will only be accepted if the plagiarism score is below 10%
For Grammar: Run the final grammatical check on Grammarly and the final Grammarly score should be more than 90.
Important Note:
The writer has to submit their work along with the report from the three software discussed above at the end of the document for mutual convenience.
Submissions are to be made at Arthaniti's Official mail address arthaniti@jgu.edu.in